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Student Resources


Society of American Fight Directors

The SAFD is the nation's largest organization dedicated to the study and training of performed violence for the stage.  MN is part of the Mid-America region, and as such our regional representative is Aaron Preusse.  If you have any questions involving stage contact training opportunities, or how the SAFD operates, etc you can contact him at

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Northern Edge Armory

Theatrical weapons maintenance/rental services, plus choreography provided by Dave Schneider.


Six Elements Theatre

Minneapolis-based theatrical company focused on producing new works featuring fight choreography.


Arms and Armor

Minneapolis-based producers of medieval weapons based on surviving museum pieces.  They produce some of the finest quality replica swords on the market, including blades appropriate for stage combat on request.


The Fake Fighting Company

Local instructor Aaron Preusse's stage combat teaching/choreography business.


Rogue Steel Armory

Chicago-based supplier of industry-standard stage combat weaponry owned by SAFD Certified Teacher Neil Massey

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